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About MSMT Angels



We are the volunteers that support Maine State Music Theatre as much as we can. Ushering is not our job, but many of us do that as an additional volunteer opportunity.


We are unique in that we pay dues to belong so that we can help MSMT.

We do not make financial or business decisions for MSMT as the Board of Directors and the Advisory Trustees do.


Become a MSMT Angel and meet new friends, learn about MSMT, share the joy of being part of an incredible musical theater company, and have fun!


The MSMT Angels are volunteers who love the theater and work behind the scenes supporting Maine State Music Theatre, while enjoying a community of friendship with each other as well as cast, crews, and staff.

Want to have fun? Join and show your support as an Angel volunteer, helping MSMT in many ways:

  • Distribute posters and brochures

  • Transport cast members and production staff from/to the airport or bus station

  • Coordinate food for “change over weekends”

  • Respond to requests for general theatre support throughout the year

  • Enjoy a special backstage tour of the theater

  • Contact anyone wearing an Angel name badge or email 

Jane Abernethy

Nancy Anderson

Alice Andrenyak

Bunny Andrews

Jeannette Arsenault

June Austin

Mel Bloomstein

Edward Bradley

Susan Brownell

Michael Buzzell

Corrie Calderwood

Jean Calderwood

Kevin Calderwood

Lily Calderwood

Sophie Calderwood

Karen Coccoluto

Mary Cuthbertson

Joyce Devito

Christina Doucette

Alane Downs

Jane Estes

Wendy Flaschner

Lee Gilman

Janice Hamilton

Joan Hanscom

Deborah Heath

Jane Heely

Kathy Hickey

Dianne Hoffman

Katherine Houseal

Gail Hunter

Kathie Jacks

Mary Lou Jacoby

Jane John

Michele Joyce

Nancy Kenney

Edie Kilgour

Colleen Lea

Cindy Lemieux

Judie Lemons

Susan Loebs

Steve Loebs

Francesco Marshall

Gary Mascher

Daniel Meyer

Sue Mooney

David Mosley

Beth Ann Nickerson

David Olsen-Pietrowski

Katie Olsen-Pietrowski

Debbie Peet

Eileen Peterson

Judi Plimpton

Debbie Rice

Janet Roberts

Beth Rote

Claudette Simms

Maureen Smith

Ann Spencer

Lorraine Suckow

Ruthanne Thibodeau

Marcia Timm

Melodie Tims

Spencer Timm

Carolyn Vail

Tim Weinzetl

Marie-Claire Wheeler

Roxanne Wheeler

Sheila Wiken

Roberta Zimmerman


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